This is a true story

Black Basic Arrow Left

From my time as a phone sex operator

A psychological duMping ground

On a quiet night, a phone sex operator receives a call from a plaintive man, anxious about his anonymity, in dire need of a confidante. Marcia is inured to the disturbing, sometimes violent proclivities of her callers, and Jeff’s admissions are banal to her at first. So she lets him disarm her, and opens the door to something unexpected.

Black Basic Arrow Left
Black Basic Arrow Left

The space between fantasy and reality

Marcia’s daily life is drab and desaturated; the places she goes to are dilapidated and depressed.

Her conversations with Jeff transport her to a lush dreamscape, teetering on a nightmare

the only two people in the world

Marcia and Jeff will be depicted wide shots and empty spaces, trapped in an Edward Hopper painting.

The stars at night

Marcia never mentions where she is, but the lonely longing of the big night sky and the isolated towns of West Texas are a tonal match for the eerie emptiness on the other end of the phone.

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Black Basic Arrow Left

Mapping a dream

Shooting on location in Texas in striking settings that bring Marcia’s imagination to life.

A revolution in french cinematography

The Aaton XTR Prod is a Super 16mm camera designed in 1972 as the first to offer lightweight design and crystal sync sound, allowing cinematographers much greater freedom of movement. It captures a beautiful image and we’re lucky to have been lent one for the production.

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You need three things: Good story, good acting, and good sound

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Production Design


Film Stock and Processing






Post Production


Cast and Crew


A professor once tolD me this. HE was right, but we’d like to take it to the next level

Many goods and services, including our camera package, have been generously lent by people excited to help with the production, which leaves our operating costs at $28k. Over half of this will go to day rates for our cast and crew for a five day shoot. Film stock, processing, and transfer come to $5.5k, production design, including sets, props, and wardrobe total $3k.